For up to five years of professional education programmes, the award amount to each awardee shall not exceed 80% of the course charge payable under government-recommended fee structure. Religion or caste shall not be a factor in the award. The number of awards and the overall award amount will depend on the trust corpus's disbursable yield and income. The award recipient must submit an assurance that they and their parents or guardians will reimburse the award sum in the manner specified.
The award amount to each awardee shall not exceed 80% of the course fee under the government norms for professional education programmes lasting up to five years. The prize shall not take into account caste or religion. The number of awards and the total award sum will be determined by the yield and income that can be distributed from the trust corpus. The recipient of the prize must give written confirmation that they will reimburse the award amount in the way specified, along with their parents or legal guardians.
Acceptable programs:
3 –5 years undergraduate degree course or 2 years of postgraduate study in a professional study.
The recipient shall report the progress of the course each semester and annually.
Selection of the awardee shall be based on the following parameters:
Announcement will be made annually through media inviting application for consideration.
Interested students/Applicants must apply in the prescribed form together with:
6. A written commitment of repayment by applicant and parents/guardian
Applications and submissions will be examined by a selection committee. A point system will be used for selection. Each member of the selection committee will rate each candidate individually from 1 to 10, with 10 representing the most qualified candidate and 1 the least. Earned merit points will be used to determine final selection.
The selection committee shall all trustees on the board, as well as two or more respected academics.
Giving Back Unlimited intends to work closely with corporations in India and abroad to help awardees find suitable jobs after completing the course. Additionally, the trust will work with reputable educational institutions to accommodate the awardee for any suitable academic programme and to provide any financial assistance that may be available.
We will start with a small budget. The trust will actively promote the message and seek as much help and support as possible. Our goal is to bring as many people together as possible to support a worthy cause, as well as to assist and support as many people as possible to build a better society.
Donors can assist us as listed below:
a. Acceptable monetary contributions made by individuals, organisations, and businesses.
b. The donor asks the bank to transfer the interest to the trust while keeping the cash deposit in the bank.
No permissions from the Income Tax authorities have yet been requested because no outside financial contribution has been received as of this day. If a need arises, we will seek IT approval for exempting donations from tax liability. All monetary contributions must be made directly to the trust's account:
Giving Back Unlimited
A/c No: 11150200003077
Federal Bank Ltd
Poovarani Branch – 686577 India
IFSC: FDRL0001115
What Makes Giving Back Unlimited Supportable?
Most people support philanthropy and charity because they genuinely believe in the cause. Generally speaking, individuals desire to be associated with good deeds and causes. Giving Back Unlimited will continue to be dedicated to its stated objectives of genuine charity and philanthropy to support society with an emphasis on education - "Arinju Neduka" - flourish through knowledge.
We promise to:
Be sincere
Be truthful.
Be accountable
Like the poor widow's offering in the Bible, we will acknowledge every bit of assistance and support. Each donation will receive a receipt and be noted, acknowledged, and included under the donors' list on the trust's website. All contributions and donations will be acknowledged and honoured. All cash donations/contributions of Rs. 100/= or more shall be acknowledged by a signed receipt will be provided/mailed to the donor.
Giving Back Unlimited will take part in social or charity events as appropriate to spread the message that "Together, we can achieve bigger things."
Under NO Circumstances shall the trust engage in or commit itself to any activity that will be in breach of its declared objectives or in violation of the laws of the country.
No trustees shall draw any compensation or remuneration from the trust funds for any services rendered. However, if the trust corpus and activities grow beyond the capacity for the trustees to handle effectively and outside service becomes inevitable, appropriate compensation may be considered for such service subject to the approval of 2/3 rd member of the board.